Students will create a 1 page-long typed response to one of three review prompts


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Students will create a 1 page-long typed response to one of three review prompts. Responses must be in MLA format.
Explore in writing what you have read/watched and what we have presented in the modules.
Reply to only 1 of 3 topics/questions located below.
Students are to submit their assignment by Sept. 22nd, 11:59 p.m. using the submission link on this page.
Use citations and supporting evidence from texts/videos found in Modules 1-5.
Restate the chosen topic/question in the first few sentences of your response.
MLA Format Review Purdue WebpageLinks to an external site.
Compare and contrast any two works, (their themes, symbols, and messages), with your own life, identity, and experiences.
Consider your knowledge of race, class, gender, ethnicity, sexuality, and/or religion. Choose any of the works and analyze how cultural and social power is being used to shape/influence any of the previously listed.
Using any two of the creative works, interpret their meanings, values, and significance.

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