I would like to have the same writer to help me complete assignments for the next few weeks.
This week’s assignment consists of 3 parts-
Identify a family to assess and educate. (can be made up)
Identify a community site.
Discover the community via a windshield survey.
Identify a family-
Choose a family to assess and ask to meet with them to complete the family consent form. All further information for discussion boards and assignments will be about this “chosen family”.
Complete a windshield survey of the community where the family lives. No family contact is to be made other than for the consent. No family information is to be included in the windshield survey assignment.
Please note: Do not post any personal identifying information regarding the family, such as full names. Call your family “Family A” and use initials or descriiption, like mother, father, etc. in all assignments.
Assignment – Windshield Survey
Based on assigned reading and preparation, please complete the assignment. Using the guideline for windshield survey, answer the questions and provide descriiptions that are appropriate to the family’s community. Remember to end the paper with a final analysis of the health of the community and how the community can improve the health of the people living there. Insert rationale, set-up, background, or general instructions for this assignment. Complete and submit the assignment by 23:59 CST Sunday.
Each community has its own characteristics. These characteristics, along with demographic data and researched information to help describe, provide valuable information in understanding the population that lives within the community and the health status, strengths and limitations, risks, and vulnerabilities unique to the “population of interest.” Once you have defined a “community of interest” to assess, a windshield survey is the equivalent of a ‘community as the patient’ ‘head-to-toe assessment.’ Many of us take these characteristics for granted, but they provide a rich context for understanding communities and populations and have significant impact on the health status of the community in general.
The best way to conduct a windshield survey is to have a designated driver and at least one other passenger to scan the outline and take notes. Having one pair of eyes on the road, you can benefit from having several other individuals noticing the unique characteristics of the community and a shared experience provides additional insight. As you analyze your findings, it may be necessary to make a second tour to fill in any blanks. You will report your findings and observations as a written assignment, so collect your findings in a useful format.
*Be sure to provide details, such as types of medical offices found or descriiptions of people observed in a non-judgmental manner of how they dressed or time of day observed.